Most common complaints and symptoms in the spinal column, neck and back

Complaints of the back - spinal column

The spinal column is compiled from many different structures: bone, the spinal cord, nerves, facet joints, muscles, ligaments and disc tissue, etc. Any of these structures could cause complaints. Given the complexity, there may also be a wide range of symptoms: localised pain, headache, radiating pain, pain when moving, loss of feeling, loss of strength, urine leakage and so on.

If any of these symptoms appear it is important to establish the cause. Your doctor will always perform a thorough case history and extensive clinical examination. Additional tests (X-ray, CT, NMR, EMG) are often necessary. After the tests are performed the results will be discussed with you and the diagnosis or cause will be revealed. A customised treatment plan is always compiled. Conservative treatment is usually the first stage: painkillers, anti-inflammatory medication, exercises, physiotherapy. You will have a check-up during which the complaints will be reassessed.

This content was written by : Dr. Arne Decramer, Dr. Yves Devlies, Dr. Lieven MissinneDr. Jan Van OostDr. Karel Willems

More info about disorders of the Spinal column - Ischialgia - Brachialgia - Stenosis